Do not miss upcoming Magento developer trainings in New York

With Magento being one of the most popular eCommerce development platforms, there are lots of Magento development companies and solo developers in the world. New York, as one of the global IT hubs, also has a large share of Magento developers. Clutch lists dozens of Magento companies located in New York, while their total number is definitely much higher.
Thus, we thought it would be a good idea to hold one of Pronko Consulting’s Magento 2 Developer training in New York City. In addition to our primary goal - sharing Magento 2 knowledge - we think it will be a brilliant opportunity to get together with the Magento colleagues from the US, to touch base with people in the same industry, and to exchange Magento news, development tips, and tricks.
In fact, we are not the only ones to hold Magento training in New York. This city hosts quite a lot of Magento events, from general trainings offered by Magento itself to specialized courses held by development companies, both on their own and their customers’ premises. In September 2019, New York is going to welcome a major conference, Meet Magento NYC. For us, holding our Magento 2 Developer training in New York is going to be a chance to meet a vast Magento community of Big Apple.
2019 Magento trainings in New York
Magento U - Magento 2 Development Essentials
In the context of Magento trainings, we should definitely mention the Magento U courses. Magento U is an education portal offering all kinds of valuable courses for Magento developers, from online courses to instructor-led trainings. In 2019, Magento U will also hold one of their trainings, Magento 2 Development Essentials, in New York.
According to their program, this course is intended for beginner Magento developers, however, certain previous experience will be an additional benefit. The course attendees will learn the basics of Magento architecture and then dive deeper into the specifics of Magento customization techniques.
NobleProg trainings
NobleProg, a training and consulting group, holds a number of Magento-related trainings in New York. However, NobleProg is more focused on Magento merchants offering courses teaching how to get started with Magento and how to run a Magento web store.
The Magento for Merchants course by NobleProg will give you expert user skills that are going to help you manage a Magento store. The course includes a whole range of Magento merchant techniques, from product and inventory management to SEO and marketing.
Magento 2 Backend Developer Training by Pronko Consulting
Let us say a couple of words about what we are about to bring to New York with us. Our lead developer and CEO, Max Pronko, your instructor for these two days, has prepared an intensive learning program based on Magento 2.3, the latest version of the platform. The main focus of the training is on customization, however, other Magento aspects, both basic and advanced will be also covered.
The training is mainly intended for backend Magento developers and is a mix of theory and practice that will keep you engaged for its entire duration. The program will be useful both for beginner developers starting to work with Magento and for those with certain experience under their belts. Max Pronko will share lots of practical techniques that are going to help you build effective, user-friendly web stores.
If you would like to join Max Pronko and Pronko Consulting on May 23-24, 2019, make sure you reserve your seat. Browse the program, and if you have any questions, reach out - and we will gladly provide the answers. We will be happy to welcome you to our event and hope that both of us will end up with more Magento knowledge that we had on the morning of the first day of the training.