Magento 2 Developer Training for B2B European Company

Developer training is one of our lines of business, and, we have to admit, it is among our favorites. Sharing knowledge is one of the most rewarding activities, as both the instructors and the trainees always end up with something new and exciting.

As a team of experienced Magento 2 developers, we often receive requests for training in this technology. Today, everybody recognizes the importance of online commerce, and since Magento is one of the most convenient and flexible platforms for building online stores, the interest to Magento development is growing.

For this reason, we are often contacted to hold special training on running and maintaining eCommerce websites created with Magento. The platform provides a wealth of design and customization options, but you need to know how to use them.

Recently, we held a training for an European company producing sophisticated industrial solutions. They offer great products combining the famous European reliability with daring innovations and advanced technologies. The company runs a Magento-based eCommerce resource as a part of their B2B strategy and wanted to make the most of the opportunities provided by the platform.

We were requested to hold an on-site training for the company’s eCommerce developers to enhance their knowledge of Magento 2 features and functions and the way they can be applied. Our Magento experts were invited to visit the company’s premises for the training to meet the eCommerce team and share our knowledge and expertise with them.


Training overview

The training turned out to become two exciting days packed with information, practical exercises, examples of successful eCommerce solutions and innovative techniques aimed at building a truly effective, one-of-a-kind online store with Magento 2.

Max Pronko, our leading Magento 2 developer and CEO, prepared an intensive training program covering all major aspects of eCommerce development with Magento 2 - key concepts of customization techniques, dependency injection, layout system, action classes, installing/updating the database schema, and a lot more. Also, the training included a detailed description of backend and frontend development with Magento 2, the best practices, useful techniques and tips.

In addition to discussing the development tools and methods, we also covered the server optimization options allowing to increase the performance of eCommerce websites and ensure their easy scalability.

Developer training with Pronko Consulting means better Magento knowledge and increased performance

According to the feedback that we received from the company, their developers now feel more confident in setting up, customizing, and maintaining eCommerce websites and already have ideas of improving and optimizing their B2B platform. They have mastered new skills in working with Magento 2 and learned some useful tips and tricks making development easier and more streamlined.

We have also scheduled a follow-up training in a couple of months where we will discuss Magento 2 development in greater detail, as well as the latest innovations that the Magento platform has to offer.

We have enjoyed this visit to a beautiful town in the center of Europe and, especially, the chance to meet the wonderful team of our partners. As we said already, training is always a two-way street with the instructor benefiting from it much as the trainees. It was a great possibility to share knowledge and practical expertise in working with Magento, and we are looking forward to the next visit.

Need a Magento training?

Pronko Consulting offers professional on-demand trainings for Magento 2 developers. In preparing the training agenda, we always proactively reach out to the company to find out their current level of expertise and their ultimate goals and expectations. We put together a training program that is tailored to the requirements of a particular business.

Contact us if you need a Magento 2 developer training for your team. We will be happy to share our knowledge with you to help you build great eCommerce platforms that will increase you user reach and brand awareness.